By Andrina Wilson - Midwife & Certified Sleep Consultant
Packing your maternity bag for birth is one of the most exciting parts of getting ready for your new baby. Your anticipation is through the roof, carefully folding those tiny clothes that will dress your newborn once they finally arrive.
Many first time parents are unsure of what they actually need to pack to take to the hospital or birthing unit. As a midwife, I’ve seen people turn up with suitcases full of ‘stuff’ just in case they need it. Most of the time, the place you give birth isn’t actually that far from home. Often your partner will go home in the evening, or your family/friends will be able to bring in anything you’ve forgotten, so don’t get hung up on having everything you could ever need.
I suggest that you pack two bags to take to the hospital or birthing unit – one for labour and one for your postnatal stay.
Your labour bag will have all your creature comforts that you think you may like/need when you’re in labour.
Your postnatal bag will contain everything you need for your postnatal stay.
Having two bags makes it much easier when you’re moving from the car to the birthing room (often in a hurry) – you just grab your labour bag and leave the postnatal bag for later when you need it.
So, what should each bag contain? Here are my recommendations: